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Plant Science Bundle 2

Kit #AG-S10
Plant Science Bundle 2

Seed Structure and Enzyme Actions (#65): An excellent activity for middle school through college, this kit focuses on the structure of dicot and monocot seeds. Students first examine and dissect two representative types of seeds - dicotyledons and monocotyledons. After diagramming and labeling seed structures, they study the action of enzymes in the germination process and the fate of each part of the germinating seed. Finally, students draw conclusions about the enzymatic process.

Effects of Gibberellic Acid (#68): This fascinating lab exercise studies the effects of gibberellic acid on plants. Gibberellic acid, when applied to plants, causes them to respond differently and at times unpredictably. This is an excellent activity for introducing your students to the study of growth hormones and also allows them to experiment with growth behavior. It also provides for special projects and additional explorations.

Simulating Threshold Effects of Soil pH on Hydrangea Plants (#320): In this simulation activity, students model how hydrangea plants are affected by soil pH. Agricultural lime (mostly CaCO3) is often used to adjust soil pH. Soil pH is a factor that influences the color of hydrangea flowers and the health of the plant. Below a positive threshold pH, hydrangea flowers are blue, above this threshold dose flowers are pink, and higher doses, above the negative threshold amount, cause health problems. The use of a simulation allows students to add “agricultural lime” to each “plant” and then immediately observe the “plant’s reaction.” Students use the data obtained from the simulation to determine the positive and negative threshold doses for “agricultural lime.” They also reflect upon the results to decide whether they have sufficient data to make a recommendation for an optimal amount oflime to use if you want to produce healthy plants with pink flowers.

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Details at a Glance

  • 4 Days | 4 ~50 minute class periods
  • 3 Activities
  • Accommodates 7 classes, each with 36 groups of 8 students
  • Consumables service 192 students
  • Requires a water source

Complete Kit Equipment Package

Plant Science Bundle 2

Need to Extend Your Kit Materials?


Scientific Concepts

• Examine and dissect dicot and monocot seeds
• Diagram and label seed structure
• Study the action of enzymes in the germination process
• Study the fate of each part of the germinating seed
• Understand the enzymatic process in germination
• Introduce the concept of growth hormones
• Experiment with growth behavior
• Provide opportunities for special projects and explorations
Concepts, Processes, and Issues
• Laboratory testing is often used to help establish positive and negative (toxic) threshold levels for substances.
• Quantitative data derived from tests can be mathematically extrapolated.
• Several factors must be considered when extrapolating lab-derived data.
Relevant National Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) Standards
• Prepare growing media for use in plant systems
• Formulate and prepare growing media for specific plants or crops
• Develop and implement a fertilization plan for specific plants or crops.
• Describe nutrient deficiency symptoms and recognize environmental causes
of nutrient deficiencies.
• Monitor plants for signs of nutrient deficiencies and prepare a scouting report.
• Discuss the influence of pH and cation exchange capacity on the availability
of nutrients.
• Adjust the pH of growing media.
• Develop and implement a plant management plan for crop production.
• Prepare soil for planting with the addition of amendments.
• Apply preplant treatments required of seeds and plants and evaluate the results.

Guides & Student Sheets

Our kits and modules provide you with everything you need so you can open, review, and teach the material confidently the next day.

  • Comprehensive Teacher Guide with background information, detailed instruction, example data and answers
  • Student Sheets with age appropriate background information, full procedure(s), and analysis items
  • Materials necessary for the investigation (beyond common classroom items)
  • Safety Data Sheets