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Energy Complete Materials Package

Energy Complete Materials Package
People use energy! How we use it will determine the quality of life on earth for future generations. To use energy in an informed way-in a way that maintains or improves environmental quality. We must first understand the nature and implications of our personal use of energy. In this part of Issues and Physical Science, students explore energy transfer and conservation in the context of household energy usage. The activities explore key energy concepts, including the variety of types of energy, energy transfers within and between systems, the energy chains involved when energy is transformed from one type to a more desired type, and the methods used to quantify energy and determine the efficiency of energy transfers. Through their experiences students become aware that energy is a quantifiable commodity that can be obtained, stored, and used in various ways. They learn that as energy is transformed, some becomes unavailable. The focus on energy efficiency and the waste involved in energy transfers leads to the consideration of renewable and non-renewable energy sources and the trade-offs involved in each. This helps students develop their understanding of the environmental costs of all energy use and provides them with an approach to making decisions about energy. They apply this understanding in the culminating activity of the unit, in which they design an energy-efficient home.

Included are all materials for up to 5 classes of 32 students (or 160 students), mobile storage cart, Online Teacher Portal access for one teacher for 7 years, which includes: Spanish versions, LABsent, PowerPoints, Teacher’s Edition, Student Book, and supplemental resources.