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Simulated ABO and Rh Blood Typing

Kit #1-S
Simulated ABO and Rh Blood Typing

This activity allows students to “practice” blood typing while avoiding having to draw blood. Instead they learn the procedures and principles of blood typing based on a realistic model. In this activity, the agglutination of red blood cells by the corresponding antibody is simulated by chemical precipitation. Without spilling a drop of blood, students observe how “blood” samples with different “antigens” react to reagents containing different “antibodies.” They learn how simple tests can identify A, B, AB, and O blood groups and whether or not the blood is Rh+ or Rh-.

Details at a Glance

  • 1-2 Days | 1-2 ~50 minute class periods
  • 1 Activity
  • Accommodates 2 classes, each with 16 groups of 2 students
  • Consumables service 64 students
  • Meets our criteria for supporting literacy
  • Includes digital resources
  • Developed in partnership with SEPUP
  • Requires a water source

Scientific Concepts

  • Blood groups are differentiated by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the red blood cell.
  • There are four major human blood groups: A, B, AB, and O.
  • All blood groups may also have the Rh factor antigen. The presence of the Rh antigen is indicated by +. (e.g. AB+)
  • Key Vocabulary: ABO system, agglutinate, antibody, antigen, Rh factor

Guides & Student Sheets

Our kits and modules provide you with everything you need so you can open, review, and teach the material confidently the next day.

  • Comprehensive Teacher Guide with background information, detailed instruction, example data and answers
  • Student Sheets with age appropriate background information, full procedure(s), and analysis items
  • Materials necessary for the investigation (beyond common classroom items)
  • Safety Data Sheets

Kit Components

  • 128 Lab-Aids Slide Guide®
  • 32 mixing spatula, blue
  • 32 mixing spatula, yellow
  • 32 mixing spatula, red
  • 1 drop control bottle simulated Anti-A serum
  • 1 drop control bottle simulated Anti-B serum
  • 1 drop control bottle simulated Anti-Rh serum
  • 1 drop control bottle simulated Blood Type A
  • 1 drop control bottle simulated Blood Type B
  • 1 drop control bottle simulated Blood Type AB
  • 1 drop control bottle simulated Blood Type O
  • 32 Student Guide
  • 1 Teacher’s Guide
  • 1 SDS (Safety Data Sheet) packet